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Bio Park Sofia

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The first edition of the holiday bazaar Bio Park is taking place in the Business Park Sofia from December 8 to 12, 2008. Various organic products from Bulgaria and abroad are available like chocolate, bread, yoghurt, wine, baby food. Cosmetics, clothing, and gift items can also be bought. Various demonstrations are being held to show the interested public how certain products are being produced, like cheese and bread.

Organisations like the organic farming initiative Bioselena, environmental awareness website, certifier Balkan Biocert, the Bulgarian Association for Alternative Tourism, fair trade company Ten Senses, the winery Terra Tangra, the western Stara Planina organic farm Chemernik, and Hipp baby foods are some renowned names which are taking part in the event. Cooking demonstrations of various kinds are also being held as well as a wine tasting.

Magdalena Maleeva, the well-known tennis player, has opened the bazaar. Her Bio Kiselo Mlyako was the first organic Bulgaria yoghurt to receive a significant market presence, according to Sofia Echo. She has been a key player in bringing organic products to the Bulgarian consumer and in creating a Bulgarian organic label, along with supporting local producers.



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