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Slovak Republic: Organic Production for Export

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The Slovak Republic has experienced an enormous growth in land under organic management since accession to the EU (almost 100 %). However, most of the production is intended for export, and domestic organic manufacturing is minimal. In fact, organic food processing is the biggest limiting factor for further development of the market for organic food in Slovakia, even though Slovak consumers do demand local organic products because of low prices. Imported organic food from western European countries is simply not affordable for the majority of Slovak consumers.


Picture: Sad Livia produces apple juice, apple concentrate and apple brandy.

Although there are 17 organic food processors listed in the catalogue of UKSUP (State Authority for Organic Farming) this year, in reality only half of them supply the market with finished products. The largest manufacturer is Ekotrend Myjava (picture), a processor of organic grains and herbs (spelt flour, grits and pasta, wheat pasta, buckwheat grits and pearls, herbal teas); Sad Livia (Orchard Livia) produces 100 % apple juice, apple concentrate and apple brandy.

Other organic food of Slovak origin available on the market is buckwheat flour, herbal and fruit teas, wine (Natural-Alimentária), pasta (Kroner) and muesli bars (Createc). Some milk products are also available (cow's, sheep's and goat's milk), but only on farms.
Organic Agriculture: Enormous Growth of Organic Land


Slovak agriculture went through a difficult phase of development after the year 1990, when it had to adapt to the conditions of the market economy. During this period agricultural production decreased, but since 1995 the level of production has become stable.
The share of agriculture in the gross domestic product is about 4.5 %. About 8 % of Slovaks are employed in the agriculture sector. Of the total area of Slovakia (4,903,423 hectares), agricultural land covers 49.7 % and forested land 40.84 %. There has been no significant decrease in agricultural land in recent years. However it was possible to observe a change of arable land use to meadows and pastures.
The biggest proportion of agricultural land (2,255,000 ha) is arable land (61.7) that is used for intensive plant production. Mainly cereals (58 %), fodder crops (19 %) and industrial crops (15.8 %) are grown on the arable land. Former cooperatives and state-owned companies have been transformed into private businesses and co-partner cooperatives.


The development of organic agriculture in the Slovak Republic began in 1991. It is only in the last two years, though, that organic land has been increasing significantly. The most recent statistics show that over 4 % of Slovak agricultural land is being farmed organically at the present time, while at the end of 2004 the proportion was only 2.66 %. Over the last year, after Slovakia entered the EU, there has been a major growth of both land registered in the organic farming system and the number of organic farmers and producers (by almost 100 %). This is due to the relatively high subsidies paid to organic farmers. These are very attractive, especially in the conversion period from conventional to organic farming (about 100 Euros/ha for grassland conversion and up to 250 Euros/ha for growing vegetables and herbs). Law No. 415/2002 on Ecological Agriculture and Food Production was replaced in 2004 by Law No. 421/2004 as a consequence of becoming a member of the European Union.
(Figure1: The development of land under organic management in Slovakia)


Currently, 217 producers of organic products apply organic farming methods encompassing 94,000 ha of farm land, which represents about 4.5 % of the total farm land in Slovakia. Organically managed land includes 28,000 ha of arable land, 66 500 ha of permanent grass cover and 360 ha of orchards, vegetable plots and vineyards (31.8.2005).
2005 has been a turning point, with a substantial growth of organic farming in Slovakia. The Action Plan for Organic Farming was accepted by the Government and the first Days of Organic Farming in Slovakia were organized in October.


Basic Facts about Slovakia


Population: 5.4 mil.
Area: 4.88 mill sq. km
Capital City: Bratislava
GDP (2004): Euros 34.7 billion
Unemployment: 11 %
Agriculture products:  Milk, eggs, poultry, cattle, hogs, potatoes, oils, grains, vegetables


Ekotrend Myjava Ltd.

Production: spelt flour, grits and pasta, wheat pasta, buckwheat grits and pearls, herbal teas
Address: 906 23 Rudník 16
Contact person: Roman Kupec
Telephone and fax: :+421 34/621 5621


Alfa Bio Ltd.
Production: Tofu cheese and soy products.
Address: Kremnièka 71, 974 05 Banská Bystrica
Contact person: Ing. Judita Litvaiová
Telephone: +421 48 41 61 862
fax: +421 48 41 63 675


Sad (apple orchard) Lívia
Production:  100 % apple juice, apple concentrate, apple brandy
Contact data: 
Name of company: Sad Livia Ltd.
Address: 951 78 Kolíòany
Contact person: Gabriel Škabla
Telephone:  +421 37 6316 857
Fax: +421 37 6316 855
web :


(Picture: Production of Sad Lívia)



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