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"Semana Bio" in Portugal

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The first organic week – „Semana Bio“ is taking place in Portugal from November 18th  to November 26 th. Interested people have got the opportunity to get to know, to compare, feel, taste and discuss products of organic farming during more than 600 activities all over the country.


INTERBIO initiated this event, which will be held every year from now on. "Bio é para todos” – "Organic is for all" is the slogan of this year's activities. Special leaflets were prepared to inform consumers about organic products and are distributed during all activities and together with one of the leading Portuguese newspapers.  Mrs. Mariann Fisher Boel, the European Commissioner for Agriculture, gave a statement in this leaflet. A lot of attention is given  to common concerns, explaining why organic products are healthier, safer, tastier and a way to help preserving the environment for our children.


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