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Romania’s LaDorna increases export

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

LaDorna, one of the top five players in the dairy industry, will start to export organic products to Germany, England and the United Stats by the end of the year. The company started to export organics in 2004, mainly to Greece. The sales on the Greek market amounted to 4.5 million Euro last year, approximately 8 % of the group’s turnover. For next year, over 6,000 tonnes of organic products like pressed cheese, milk, cottage cheese and feta, worth 22 million Euro, are planned to be exported, which is equal to the group’s current turnover. Chairman Valvis thinks that the supply of organic products on the European market is not able to meet the growing demand.


Export strategies will be tailored to each market, and not the same products will be exported in all countries. There are also demands from countries in the Arabian Peninsula and from Italy and France. This year, exports maintained at last year’s level, since there were not enough raw materials, but production will be increased as soon as they are available.


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