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Rapunzels veggie initiative: Every meal counts

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The veggie trend began for Rapunzel almost 40 years ago. Producing vegetarian food was a motive for founding the firm, and it is firmly rooted in the company philosophy. The Rapunzel range, that consists of over 300 products, is 100% vegetarian and about 80 % vegan. So it was wholly logical to become involved in the growing trend to vegan food. Coming together with the vegan chef Attila Hildmann turned the idea into reality, and the campaign  "Every meal counts" was born. There are lots of activities on their homepage and on Facebook. We asked Heike Kirsten how the campaign is progressing. (Picture: Attila Hildmann’s seminars and cookery shows are a great attraction)
When and why was “Every meal counts“ (German: Jedes Essen zählt) created?
Heike Kirsten (picture): About 2 ½  years ago when no-one, apart from a few Berlin vegans, had heard of Attila Hildmann, we got to know him, and together we developed the first recipes, because Attila found our spreads so tasty and good. After we’d brought a few fellow campaigners as experts on board, in February 2012 the online portal “Jedes Essen zählt” was up and running. The aim of the website is, in a totally non-dogmatic way, to help people who are interested in vegetarian and vegan food. The site offers great recipes that are easy to cook and are tasty, plus lots of information that is presented in as comprehensible a way as possible.
How has the project developed since then?
We have promoted the site in the trade with recipe cards and also on a number of nut spreads. Attila has advertised it on his Facebook page, and we put all the cookery videos on YouTube as well, where we’ve already got fans. The most watched video has been clicked on 13,000 times. Special highlights were the grill party last summer with Attila at our base in Legau and the cookery show a few weeks ago. Unfortunately there were not enough seats for everybody who was interested. (Picture: Attila is the star in Legau)
What tools are available to the trade, and what is being done at the PoS?
For the PoS, this year there was a nut spread campaign with a great recipe flyer. We already had a number of recipe cards, and we’re currently working on more. All this plus a lot of cookery videos. For September we’re planning a two-day event with Attila Hildmann and fitness trainers and, of course, super vegan food. Anyone interested can shortly apply at jedes-essen-zä Shops should draw the attention of their customers to this event. Naturally, we’re advertising the theme with ads in the print media and online.
Are partner shops and customers of Rapunzel getting involved?
Lots of shops are setting up tables to display Attila Hildmann’s book “Vegan for Fit“ (picture) and corresponding products. The feedback’s very good. Together with the publisher of Attila’s books, we’ve offered all shops the opportunity to order books direct. There’s even one shop that is cooperating with a fitness studio to stage the campaign so well - and has also set up a Challenger Group - that RTL has reported on it several times.
What’s the feedback like from consumers? Is there any evidence of a rise in turnover of the products advertised via the recipes?
The feedback is all positive, and there’s plenty of demand for the products used by Attila. We’re now working together, for example, with the vegetarian association Vebu. We regularly advertise their Newsletter or work with them on the restaurant search. (Picture: Screenshot restaurant search)
Will the trend to vegetarian and vegan continue? What plans are there for the future?
I think the trend is here to stay. The organic trade ought to try to make use of it. It’s a great opportunity to gain for our market new customers who are only just discovering organic shops - and we’re not just talking about young people. However, above all, the trade does need customers in the younger generation. But we’re definitely carrying on with our veggie activities. There’ll be more new recipes every month plus lots of valuable tips from experts on the Veggie Guide. And, as already announced, more events like the one in September with Attila.
Links (in German):

Attila Hildmann became a vegan and vegan chef in 2000, since when he has reduced his weight by 35 kg.
His cookbooks are bestsellers, he appears on television and in the media, and he has been working with Rapunzel since 2010.




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