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Presentation of organic shopping guide

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The journalists Rita Imwinkelried and Nicoletta Pennati have written the shopping guide “Guida alla spesa biologica” - “A Guide to Organic Shopping”, which was recently presented in Rome (picture). The book consists of 466 pages and is published by Sperling Paperback in Italian.


About 700 companies all over Italy are named and described, all producing organic food and ecological products. Reports on the companies and useful detailed addresses enable consumers to shop at accessible prices while respecting the environment. These companies all sell directly to consumers, giving them the possibility to save from 20 to 50 % on their purchases. The manual has two main subjects: to live healthy and to respect the environment.


At the presentation of the book in Rome, the Secretary of State Stefano Boco and other politicians were present as well as many experts of the sector, among which were the President of Federbio, the President of Anabio and the delegate for Aiab’s “Mangiarbio”.,




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