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Positive results for Fairtrade Italy

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Fairtrade Italy’s results for the year 2006 have recently been published and confirmed that consumers are showing an increasing interest for Fairtrade products. Last year’s sales assumed to 34.5 million Euros, showing a clear increase when compared with the past years - 30 million Euros were achieved in 2005; and 24 million Euros in 2005. About a hundred different products are mainly present in the large distributing chains. The goods achieving the highest growth rates were Amazzonia nuts and pineapple; the latter have tripled their value. Good results were also reported for rice with a plus of 42 %, sugar (+34 %), and fruit juices (+28 %). The sales of bananas have increased by 12 %, of cocoa and chocolate by 10 % and coffee results grew by 6 %. Among the new products in 2006 were roses, jeans and various products of knitted material as well as wine.


Fairtrade has 69 licensees at this point of time. It was estimated that about 35 % of organic bananas sold in Italia today were certified Fairtrade, confirmed the director of Fairtrade Transfair Italy. Expressing his satisfaction about the results, he continued that they confirmed there was a high sensitivity of consumers to these goods. He also mentioned that the Fairtrade products were also better recognisable nowadays. Therefore, it would be possible to open up new possibilities on the market.




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