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Anti GMO demonstration outside the Polish Parliament

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

On the afternoon of March 17, ICPPC (International Coalition to protect the Polish countryside) and the Coalition for a GMO Free Poland staged an anti GMO demonstration outside the Polish Parliament. At the demonstration, people were dressed in dark hooded cloaks and stood in a line, reading short excerpts from books exposing the truth behind GMO. In the background Gorale - mountain farmers - sang an anti GMO adaptation of the resistance song "We Shall Not Be Moved" while demonstrators displayed their „No to GMO“ banners and bee keepers lit their smoke guns and donned their overalls. The TV crews rolled their film.

The GMO Act which the government was threatening to introduce has not made it to the statute books, after overwhelming opposition halted it. Instead, the government has convened another committee to try to work out some kind of resolution to the state of impasse. This represents a temporary victory. But new evidence has emerged from a Malopolska bee keeper, that oilseed rape plants upon which their bees foraged last summer, had a very negative effect on the bee's physiology and general health. The bee keeper had the rape plants tested - and the result showed them to be contaminated with GMO. Another door is thus opened and now the illegal sales of GM rape seed is in the spotlight and bee keepers - who number some 40,000 - are set to join the anti GMO campaign. ICPPC hopes this will finally produce the sort of critical mass that is needed to tilt the balance towards the complete ban of GMO in Poland. ICPPC are cooperating with the main party in power and more than 50 parliamentarians have signed an open letter to prime minister Tusk, demanding a ban of GMO. The support of these parliamentarians was won during an intensive educational campaign in which MPs were invited to visit traditional and organic farms.




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