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Piemonte: Torino hosts the “Food Market Festival”

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

As AIAB reports, Torino is host for the second edition of “Food Market Festival” from April 21st to 23rd 2006. This festival was initiated by Rinaldo Bontempi (President of the Conservatory of Piemonte) and is promoted by the province and the town in cooperation with The Gate and Region of Piemonte, Città del Bio and AIAB Piemonte. The central object is to enhance the culture of the food markets as a commercial alternative to the large distribution, to promote the local economy with its products and to offer a meeting point for culture, taste and tradition. The market has six main subjects - the European market with stands of various countries, the stand of AIAB and various other organisations with typical and organic products in a large variety, specialties from the mountains, the stands of Coldiretti, congresses and music.

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