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„Piazza Grande Bio“ launched in Forlì, Italy

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

“Piazza Grande Bio” has reached the province of Forlì in Italy. This project was launched to deal with important subjects like communication, logistics and marketing to promote the distribution of the region's organic products. Initiated as a cooperation of Prober and some specialized stores in Forlì, producers, corporations, school authorities and associations are involved. It aims to strengthen the organic sector in the region mainly by informing consumers and operators in service of schools, health organisations, agriculture and production.



The first conference has recently taken place as the start of a series which will continue between February and April 2007. The event will be concluded with a large festival in May. Various activities like courses on organic agriculture, natural food and baby feeding are also taking place during the entire time. “Piazza Grande Bio” aims at making a proper logistical structure and a commercial network available - organic farmers and producers are to be introduced as suppliers for communal feeding by offering a fast service for specialized stores to guarantee the maximum freshness of their products. The first outlet of Grande Bio has opened at the commercial centre “Il Gigante” on 200 square meters, where there is a choice of more than 1,200 organic products.,


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