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IFOAM annual report: Our Earth, our Mission

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

IFOAM has just published its 2013 annual report Our Earth, Our Mission. The title echoes IFOAM’s continued dedication to working towards a sustainable world by advancing the organic alternative. The report includes themes like the organic world in a glance, IFOAM’s political system, IFOAM’s global activities and action groups.  

The year 2013 has many highlights, including the introduction of the concept of Organic 3.0 – the third developmental phase in the global organic movement. One significant project in this context is the Best Practice Guideline for Agriculture and Value Chains. Another important event on the road to Organic 3.0 is the setting up of the Technology Innovation Platform of IFOAM (TIPI) that was established at BioFach Nuremberg 2013. The report is available for download from IFOAM.






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