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Organic textile training programme

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Organic Exchange, together with partner organisation MADE-BY, are hosting a training programme on organic and sustainable textiles specifically designed for fashion brands and retailers. The program called “The Case for Sustainable Fashion” consists of 4 seminars per year in key European countries.


Aspects that are addressed include the sustainable fashion market, organic cotton sourcing, setting a sustainability strategy, social conditions in the supply chain, labelling and certification as well as traceability. The seminars are a combination of lectures and interactive sessions with speakers from diverse organizations, including leading brands and retailers. Participants are encouraged to share questions and experiences with experts and other participants.


The next event is in London on June 9 and 10, 2008. This seminar, especially organized for brands and retailers, is the opportunity to learn the fundamentals on organic and sustainable fashion. It will  be a session packed with information and interesting speakers from companies such as Marks&Spencer, adidas, Ecotextile News, Dystar and many others.


Details and the full programme are available at Organic Exchange.



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