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Organic market in Malta needs changes

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Prior to EU accession, the organic farming sector in Malta was almost non-existent. Just a small group of farmers claimed to be using methods of organic production. Neither certification nor legislation was available. In 2004, the new legal notice, the Organic Farming Regulations, was published in order for Malta to transpose the EU organic regulation. The Organic Farming Unit was set up and established a certification system together with Malta Standards Authority. The first certificate was awarded in December that year.


Currently, organic farmers receive a payment of 600 Euro per hectare for organic farming on an annual basis. But still, participation from local farmers remains low. There are only eight approved, certified producers currently under transition who farm 14 hectares altogether. This might be due to the fact that the market is not well-organized yet. Most growers sell their products on the vegetable market together with conventional products. Supermarkets may be interested in selling organics, but farmers are not organized enough to furnish demand on a regular basis.



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