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Organic farm land decreases in Valencia

by Redaktion (comments: 0)


In comparison with total Spain, the percentage of organic farm land in the region of Valencia is above average, even though this ratio has been declining during the past years. The data of the “Report on Sustainability in Spain 2006” published by the Ministry of Environment indicates that organic agriculture represents 3.75 % of the total farmland in this region, while the report of 2005 showed a percentage of more than 4 %.  The average of the country was 3.2 % in 2006.


The total area in Spain farmed organically, however, has experienced an increase over the past years. The data elaborated by the Ministry of Environment ranks Valencia on the 6th place nationwide behind the regions Andalusia (8.4 %), Balearic Islands (7.2 %), Canary Islands (7.1 %), Murcia (6.3 %) and Navarra (4.2 %), according to Aiab. The report also revealed that the number of people working in the organic sector in the region of Valencia comprised over 1,100. This showed an increase of 7.4 % compared with the period 2004/ 2005. This number was 1 % above average compared with total Spain.


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