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Organic eggs of Veritas win award

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Veritas, an organic supermarket chain in Barcelona, has received the "Good Eggs" award in the European Parliament for selling eggs from organic production. This award is handed out by the British Compassion in World Farming (CIWF) and the Foundation for Adoption, Sponsorship and Welfare of Animals (FAADA).


In the EU, Spain is on the third place as a producer of eggs with nearly 1 billion units a year. However, of the 40 million laying hens, 98% live crammed in battery cages, making Spain the country with the highest percentage of hens in cages in Europe.


The average consumption of eggs in Spain reaches 423 eggs per person per year. While 64% of Spanish consumers would be willing to pay more for eggs with a higher level of welfare for animals, according to Eurobarometer surveys 2005, there is still a lot of ignorance about the origin of the eggs.


Veritas sells more than 500,000 organic eggs a year and uses another 500,000 for the food production of the Veritas brand. At present, Veritas has a total of 13 own stores located in Barcelona (see picture), Granollers, Sant Cugat and Castelldefels, which offers a range of 4,000 organic food products, 300 of which are from the company's private brand.

Organic-Market.Info reported about Veritas end of last year.



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