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Organic cotton production grows 152 %

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The amount of organic cotton grown worldwide increased by 152 % in 2007/08, according to a new report by Organic Exchange. According to its "Organic Cotton Farm and Fiber Report 2008," organic cotton production increased to 145,872 tons grown on 161,000 hectares in 22 countries worldwide. The report will be formally released at the Organic Exchange's 6th Global Conference and Marketplace in Porto, Portugal. The conference will be attended by hundreds of leaders representing the global organic fiber value chain, with the keynote by John Elkington, celebrated author on sustainable development and corporate responsibility expert.

India, Syria, Turkey, China, Tanzania, USA, Uganda, Peru, Egypt and Burkina Faso were the top ten organic cotton producing countries in order by rank, with India taking over Turkey's long-time standing as the number one producer. The majority of the increased organic cotton production took place in India. Organic cotton production has grown to an estimated 0.55 percent of global cotton production.

In December, 2008, OE will host a training in Denmark and in 2009, will host regional meetings or brand and supplier meetings in India, Germany, Peru, Egypt, the Netherlands, the UK, and Sweden.


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