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Organic Garden in San Francisco

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Organic Garden on the City Hall’s lawn

An organic garden can be found at San Francisco’s lawn since July this year, reports the Wall Street Journal. It is called Victory Garden in reference to projects during the 1940s fighting wartime food shortages. The opening ceremony was attended by Mayor Newsom, who said in a statement that supporting the Victory Garden at City Hall enabled the city to emphasize its commitment.

According to Naomi Starkman from Slow Food, most people don’t know what their food looks like or how it grows. In order to help people to connect between plate and planet, the group has planned Slow Food Nation ‘08, a three-day celebration of food. The Victoria Garden is the centrepiece of the event. During Slow Food Nation visitors will be able to take part in demonstrations to learn more about growing locally. In an effort with local food banks and meal programs, the produce from the garden will be donated to people with limited access to organic produce. Slow Food Nation is the group’s first large event in the US.

The city’s Department for the Environment is also taking part in the local food movement with a pilot project to create organic food production in yards, window boxes, on rooftops and on unused land. The project was started in cooperation with a local organic food organization, Garden for the Environment. Seeds of Change, along with individuals from across the country have donated the seeds.



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