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UK: Organic. Naturally Different campaign results

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The results from the evaluation of the recent Organic. Naturally Different campaign for May are now in. Awareness of the campaign is good compared to the other campaigns: 21% of organic shoppers in London (the target market) have seen one of the campaign adverts compared to an industry average of 9%. (Picture: Campaign poster in London)

The results show that the campaign is sending the right messages to organic consumers about the benefits of organic and encouraging them to buy organic products. 97% of organic shoppers aware of the campaign believe it is likely to encourage people to buy organic food and 95% intend to buy organic in the next fortnight. Those that recalled seeing the campaign are also more likely than non recallers to believe organic is healthier (80% vs 75%), safer to eat (79% vs 70%) and worth it (73% vs 57%). The research also show that as many as 16% of organic shoppers are from the C2DE (skilled working class, working class and non-working) socio economic group and that those organic shoppers are very committed. 80% purchase organic at least once every two weeks and 60% do so weekly.

The collaboration with the on-line retailer showed how the campaign has driven a real increase in organic sales: the campaign drove a huge increase in daily visitor numbers to the organic aisles, from under 20,000 to over 150,000 per day;  the share of organic products per trolley went up by 3.7% in value and up 4.8% in volume compared to the previous month; and the campaign increased market share in categories where there was a creative (chocolate, carrot, apple). The Facebook promoted post on "Thrifty Organic" was shown 119,260 times, reaching a total of 104,359 Facebook users and drove 3,099 post engagements. It achieved well above the average levels of engagement and high average click through rates of 3.75% against a Facebook average of 1%. More information is available here and here.



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