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USA: OTA launches e-newsletter for retailers

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The Organic Trade Association has launched its newest communications platform The Organic Market Basket - a twice monthly e-newsletter that is offered at no cost for retailers. The announcement was made as an estimated 60,000 attendees gathered for Natural Products Expo West  in Anaheim, California, taking place on 6 - 9 March 2014. 

The newsletter offers information relevant to merchants who are new to organic, as well as to seasoned industry members who have followed organic for decades. Mirroring the fast pace of retail environments, the piece is designed to be read quickly, allowing busy associates to scan it in just a few moments and get back to their shoppers. The Organic Market Basket will feature diverse content along the following themes:

  • Organic 101 - Critical because research shows that a large percentage of consumers (for that matter, retail employees) are new to organic at any given time
  • Retail Showcase - New stores, best practices, general intel about what's happening with fellow retailers.
  • Merchandising tips
  • Marketplace update - New product and category news
  • Legislative and regulatory updates
  • Digging Deeper - An "Organic 301" for those interested in the more technical side of a given issue
  • NOSB Update - To keep retailers apprised of developments with the National Organic Standards Board.

OTA will incorporate intelligence from its ongoing consumer and industry research into the newsletter, keeping retailers informed about all that’s happening with this vibrant sector. The inaugural edition of The Organic Market Basket is available here.






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