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OSEA II project in Africa

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The IFOAM OSEA II project has released a series of articles on the real-life impact the conversion to organic agriculture has on poor farmers and their families, IFOAM reports. The articles showcase success stories in Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda and detail the economic, environmental and social benefits experienced by numerous smallholder farmers.

These include improving livelihoods and food security, enabling access to new markets, as well as greater resilience of farming systems in times of drought or heavy rains. Furthermore, traditional farming practices are embraced and the financial and environmental burden of using expensive chemical inputs is eliminated. The articles, an important tool for advocating the organic alternative for Africa, are available here.

The OSEA II Project is implemented by IFOAM and the national organic agriculture movements in Burundi (BOAM), Kenya (KOAN), Rwanda (ROAM), Tanzania (TOAM), and Uganda (NOGAMU) in close cooperation with organic stakeholders and governments in East Africa. More information can be found here.





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