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ONE Bio's Organic Products division expands to Japan

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

ONE Bio, Corp., an innovative company utilizing green process manufacturing to produce raw chemicals and herbal extracts, natural and health supplements and organic products, announced that its Organic Products division initiated further expansion into Japan through the addition of new distributors and an expanded lineup of organic bamboo and vegetable products into Kobe Bussan Supermarkets, one of the largest supermarket chains in Japan.

ONE has gained market share in Japan over the past few months fueled by strong consumer demand for its products which resulted from high quality standards utilized by the company in its organic vegetable selection and manufacturing process. ONE's organic vegetable products are JAS Gold ("Japanese Agricultural Standard") certified, which is the highest certification for organic products in Japan. Kobe Bussan Supermarkets, which carries private label products manufactured by the company under the "KOBE" name, has agreed to increase distribution for the company's products through its stores and expand the product line from 8 to 20 skus.

"Japan has over the past few years become our strongest international market. Japanese consumers are quality driven and health conscientious. Their acceptance and demand for our products is a strong endorsement to our commitment to quality. We appreciate the confidence Kobe and other Japanese retailers have entrusted in us," stated ONE's CEO Marius Silvasan. ONE Bio, Corp. headquartered in Florida is focused on the Asia Pacific region. Key products include widely recognized Solanesol, CoQ10, Resveratrol and 5-HTP, organic fertilizers, and organic bamboo health food and beverages. ONE has experienced solid organic growth driven by a robust demand for its products in China, Japan and the United States.

ONE Bio, Corp.


North America


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