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New report on GM contamination

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The GM contamination register of GeneWatch UK and Greenpeace is the first of its kind. Although GM crops were grown on over 80 million hectares in 2005, there is no global monitoring system. Therefore, this initiative was launched.


2006 had the highest number of recorded incidents so far – 24 incidents were added to the register. The total number of incidents recorded in the database since GM crops were first grown commercially in 1996 is now 142.

Over one-third of the contamination incidents recorded over the last ten years involved maize. Since it is wind-pollinating and the pollen is able to travel for miles, this is not surprising. The cases in this report show the growing threat to maize diversity, since it is not possible to keep maize transgenes under control. In 2006, another global contamination scandal occurred - involving rice. Global rice supplies have been found contaminated with two unapproved varieties.


The publication also includes a map which shows the worldwide incidents.


Genetic Engineering

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