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Neonicotinoid class action launched in Canada

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The law firm of Siskinds LLP has launched a class action regarding neonicotinoid pesticides, specifically those containing imidacloprid, clothianidin and thiomethoxam, designed, developed, marketed and produced by Bayer and Syngenta. The action seeks CAD400m (about €282m) in compensatory damages. In addition, the plaintiffs seek CAD50m in punitive damage.

Neonicotinoid pesticides are applied to corn, soybean and canola seeds, among others, planted in Canada. This class action relates to the impact of these pesticides on the bee population and, consequently, on beekeepers who produce honey, provide pollination services and raise Queen Bees essential to the continued production of fruits and vegetables. The Statement of Claim alleges, among other things, that the defendants were negligent in their design, manufacture, sale and distribution of neonicotinoids. It alleges that as a result of neonicotinoid use: queens, breeding stock and colonies were damaged or died; beeswax, honeycombs and hives were contaminated; honey production decreased; and beekeepers lost profits, and incurred unrecoverable costs.

All beekeepers in Canada, including those individuals and companies in the business of honey production, queen bee rearing and/or pollination services between 2006 and the present season, are encouraged to get in touch. More information is available here and here.



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