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Natural cosmetics certified by ICEA

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The sector of natural cosmetics certified by the Italian certification company ICEA has recorded a rise in turnover (+ 85%), products (+ 71%) and businesses (+ 70%). Many newly certified natural cosmetics products can be found in the shelves, like eye shadow or powder.


There are 1,752 ICEA-certified beauty products available now, 513 more than a year ago (+71%). The most important products are face creams (332), body creams (244), products for hair (182), bath and shower products (118) and soaps (109), but also raw materials (197), facial tonics (80), body oils (91), scrubs / mask (73), products for children (76), men (23), sunscreen (37), make-up (70), oral hygiene products (36) and others (84) are certified by ICEA.


With the growing number of products, the number of certified cosmetic companies has also increased. Among the new companies are also well-known names like Diva International, Guaber l’Angelica (Coswell spa), Specchiasol or Biofarma. Altogether there are 108 companies, 35 more than a year ago (+70%). The manufacturers are concentrated in particular in Emilia-Romagna (18), Lombardy (20) and Tuscany (12). The others are located in Veneto, Liguria, Umbria, Marches, Trentino, Sicily, Calabria, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Piedmont.


The 23 foreign companies are in Greece, in Great Britain, Spain, Turkey, France, Cyprus, the United States, the Virgin Islands and in Syria. The total turnover in 2007 was just under 6 million Euro, an increase of over 85% compared with 3.5 million in the previous year.


Cosmetics & Bodycare

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