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McDonald’s to offer Rainforest Alliance-certified tea in Great Britain

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McDonald's quit serving Tetley tea in favour of the environmentally friendly product Rainforest Alliance-certified PG Tips in its 1,200 UK outlets. PG Tips is owned by the Anglo-Dutch consumer goods giant Unilever.


The change comes after McDonald's switched its supply of coffee to Rainforest Alliance products in January last year, since when sales have risen 22 %. Since last July, the company has been running its fleet of 155 delivery vehicles on cooking oil recycled from its fast-food stores. The company has also fought to shift its reputation as a retailer of unhealthy products by switching to free range eggs, organic milk, and reducing salt in its food, reports the Telegraph.


The vice president of corporate affairs at McDonald's said that wherever possible, the chain was working to make sustainable products the only option. McDonald's expects to sell 24 million cups of tea in the UK over the next 12 months and continues to charge the same price for the drink.


McDonald's has been making efforts to shed its reputation as an environmentally unfriendly retailer. In a poll conducted last year, 84 % of the British public said burger chains were not doing enough to tackle environmental issues.



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