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MaryJane Butters’ lifestyle magazine

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

MaryJanesFarm will be published by the Belvoir Media Group as an organic-focused lifestyle magazine. The magazine is based on the work, knowledge and real-life everyday events on MaryJane Butters’ organic farm in Idaho.


MaryJane Butters is an icon of the organic movement. From her farm, she sells 60 different organic prepared foods and also shares the message of simple organic living with readers of her books, syndicated newspaper column, and on and


Ms. Butters also designs and sells her own line of organic linens to almost 300 department stores and is the creator of Project F.A.R.M. (First-class American Rural Made), an organization that employs rural women.


MaryJanesFarm will launch with the spring issue and produce four issues during 2008 and begin bi-monthly publication in 2009.  It is aimed at college-educated female readers, aged 25-49, who are health-conscious, environmentally aware and have “a little farm-girl in them.”



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