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Australian Certified Organic Magazin

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The latest issue of the Australian Certified Organic Magazine (ACOM), which is published quarterly by the Biological Farmers of Australia, has just been released. Now in circulation for 13 years, Australian Certified Organic Magazine is a fresh, informative trade and information resource, popular with organic and related industry members, and organic consumers. It provides a balance of the latest research in health and environmental benefits of organic, market updates, latest innovations, successful business profiles, and reports on current industry issues, debates, a trade directory and more.

Highlights from the current issue include: The latest market research on organic sales in Australia highlights some fascinating facts about consumer attitudes towards organics. Commissioned by BFA and researched by leading social and market researcher Mobium, the survey reveals that organic produce is establishing itself firmly in the Australian marketplace, with 6 in 10 Australians buying organic at least occasionally – but education has the potential to increase this number significantly. An increase in wealth and education of the Chinese population is turning into opportunities in organics. Australian organic producers are being welcomed into various Chinese markets. Exactly how organic are “organic” garments or manchester products? Where are organic fibres sourced from? What do the organic standards allow? are important questions which are also dealt with.

Researchers at the University of New England will collect updated organic industry and market data for the second edition of the Australian Organic Market Report to be published in 2010, ensuring continuity in vital data collection for the organic industry. A certified organic medicinal grade honey derived from Australian native trees has been found to have more potent levels of the therapeutic compound methylglyoxal than has been recorded in any other product currently on the international market. In Australasia, the Australian Organic Standard for cosmetics is fast becoming recognised for its stringent approach to product integrity.




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