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Madre Bio in Muggiò/Italy

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

In Muggiò (Monza-Brianza) a new store and restaurant called "Madre Bio - shop and lunch" has just been opened. It is the latest opening of the B’io chain, which comprises 260 outlets throughout Italy. On more than 400 square metres, with an attractive country design, one can find a specialized shop with 3,000 products which are certified organic.


An organic coffee shop can be visited for breakfast and juices and a corner is dedicated to the sale of magazines and books of the sector. A takeaway service offers fresh food and a restaurant serves fast lunches. The new "shop and lunch" also provides a playground for children. At the opening, kindergarten teachers offered entertainment for the smallest. Throughout the day, customers had a chance to taste organic specialities from a buffet.


The outlet will be open from Tuesday to Saturday from 8.00 to 19.30, and from 8.00 to 14.00 on Mondays. Madre Bio-Shop and lunch can be found in via Milano 14,


Specialised Food Retail Trade

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