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USA: MOM’s Organic Market - TerraPass Your Gas Initiative

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

MOM’s Organic Market has announced a carbon offset partnership with TerraPass Inc., a company in the USA which offers verified carbon reduction projects across the country. MOM’s Organic Market will purchase carbon credits from TerraPass in direct proportion to the emissions released from its customers’ shopping trips. MOM’s estimates it will be able to offset over 6,000 tons of CO2 per year, equivalent to eliminating the annual greenhouse emissions from 1,067 passenger vehicles or the CO2 emissions from consuming about 2,35 million liters of gasoline. MOM’s will use zip code data from its customers to estimate mileage driven to and from MOM's stores.

MOM’s currently operates eight stores in the USA. "In addition to previous launched initiatives such as Think Outside The Bag, We Love Inflation, and Ban The Bottle, TerraPass Your Gas supports MOM's Purpose, which is to protect and restore the environment,” says founder and CEO Scott Nash. TerraPass will use funds received from MOM’s to sponsor four types of clean energy and efficiency projects such as wind power, dairy farm methane digesters, landfill gas capture and coal mine capture. An independent third party environmental auditor verifies each TerraPass offset purchase against industry leading standards.

MOM’s Organic Market


North America

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