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L’Oreal buys Sanoflore

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The latest L'Oreal deal, the acquisition of the French Laboratoire Sanoflore, has just taken place. Sanoflore will become a part of L’Oreal’s Active Cosmetics Division, the company’s fastest growing business area. The managing director of L’Oreal’s Active Cosmetics stated this would enable Sanoflore to internationalize its business portfolio.


Sanoflore has a yearly turnover of € 15 m a year and a staff of 147 employees. Sanoflore was founded 20 years ago and manufactures and distributes a range of cosmetic and aromatherapy products sold in pharmacies and speciality shops mainly in France. The brands include products for hair, hand, face and body, massage, babies and slimming. All aspects of production are overseen – from buying raw material from farmers up to the finished formulation. According to the company, this accounts for all aspects of the production for all lines, which ensures its Ecocert certification.  


L’Oreal's acquision of the Body Shop was approved by EU authorities in June and is followed by the acquisition of Sanoflore now. According to Organic Monitor, sales of natural & organic cosmetics are projected to surpass the 1 € billion mark for the first time this year.  If L’Oreal will follow its path, a large proportion is likely to carry their logo.






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