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Love Your Planet, Choose Organic

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Soil Association Organic Fortnight, sponsored by Organix and Greenvale AP, is a nationwide campaign bringing together individuals, communities, retailers, restaurants, schools and organic farms for the UK’s biggest celebration of all things organic. Supporters will be hosting events all over the country from organic breakfasts at work and farm open days to organic cookery lessons in schools and organic fashion shows. The message this year is ‘Love Your Planet, Choose Organic’.


Amidst growing concerns about climate change and food security, Soil Association Organic Fortnight provides a chance to look at why organic production - fashion, beauty, food and farming - is better for the planet. The fortnight kicks off with the Soil Association Organic Food Festival, Europe’s largest celebration of organic at Bristol Harbourside on September 6 and 7, 2008. The event is sponsored by Yeo Valley Organic. Soil Association Organic Fortnight runs from September 6 to 21, 2008.


Soil Association Organic Fortnight is yours to make the most of. For more information and ideas to get you started look at Visitors to the website will be able to access an interactive map to see what’s on in their area. Campaign materials like posters and stickers can be ordered and an events guide is available to download.



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