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Nominations for Organic Leadership Awards

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The Organic Trade Association (OTA) is currently seeking nominations for its prestigious Organic Leadership Awards. In addition to the traditional Organic Leadership Award for Growing the Organic Industry, OTA is excited to seek nominations in two inspiring new categories for 2013.

The Growing Organic award will recognize an individual who has made significant contributions to growing the organic industry via work in such areas as consumer education and marketing, new market development, public relations, standards development, advocacy, and research.The Organic Farmer of the Year award will recognize a professional farmer who has made significant contributions to supporting and advancing organic agriculture and trade at the farm level, such as increasing the amount of land under organic management, expanding the number of farmers using organic practices, or advancing organic agriculture through farm policy advocacy, community education, or innovative land stewardship and technical practices.The Rising Star award will recognize an emerging leader who has distinguished himself or herself professionally due to pursuit, zeal or notable advancements to programs, initiatives, new categories, or product development promoting the growth, sustainability or influence of organic agriculture and trade.

Candidates must have demonstrated skills, innovation, personal commitment, leadership and vision to grow organic agriculture or the organic sector.The awards will be presented September 25 at OTA’s Annual Awards Gala during Natural Products Expo East in Baltimore.
Nominations and letters of endorsement are due May 31.

More information here 
OTA’s website




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