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KAITE wins price of Social Entrepreneurship Competition

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

KAITE’s start to 2008 has been very successful with winning their first award on February 29th.  KAITE won the Grand Prize of the Global Social Entrepreneurship Competition from the M.G. Foster School of Business in Seattle (USA). The agricultural initiative was selected as the winner out of more than eighty competitors from all over the world. Linda Ramcke presented KAITE’s business plan to the judges and was proud to accept the first prize. (Picture: BioFach 2008)
Innovative organic farming for small independent farmers in Zimbabwe is the focus of KAITE, a Zimbabwean-German agricultural initiative founded in 2007, at a time when most development cooperation has come to a halt in the country. Sustainable agriculture in Zimbabwe will only be re-energised through private initiative and the conscious merging of careful entrepreneurship and social engagement. That is why KAITE believes in working relationships which are based on cooperation and empowerment.
Through their emphasis on the organic production of herbs, spices, medicinal, and aromatic plants, as well as staple foods, the initiative ensures that small-scale farmers escape the vicious cycle of heavy reliance on imported inputs, unsustainable methods of farming, volatile produce markets, low producer prices, and lack of marketing.



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