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Italy – few organics in conventional supermarkets

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

A survey of 13 outlets in Forlì has shown that fresh organic products are virtually non-existent in conventional supermarkets. Compared with last year, it was found that the amount of organic produce has decreased and that the prices have increased. Moreover, the few products available were hard to locate because of their placing and the labels were too small and hard to read. The presentation of the assortment was worse than last year and the area available has decreased, with the organic produce squeezed into a small crowded display which in 2005 occupied 35 % but this year only 12 % of the shelf space devoted to fruit and vegetables.
The research by the “Osservatorio dei prezzi dei prodotti agroalimentari” (Oppa) showed that the assortment consisted over most of the year of bananas and apples, mainly of foreign origin. Depending on the season, other fruit and vegetables were available. Italian organic cauliflowers were found in 40 % to 50 % of the stores with a price premium between 170 % and 240 %.  String beans were available in less than 10 % of the stores and only in the month of July. Organic lettuce, always of Italian origin, was hardly abundant either since it could be bought in only 10 % of the stores. Italian fennel was on sale in 30 % of the supermarkets with a premium between180 % to 200 %. Zucchini were sold in 30 % to 50 % of the locations. Apricots were found in 10 % to 26 % of the outlets in June and July with a premium of 200 %. Compared with the same period in 2005, one kilogram cost between € 1.00 and € 1.50 more.  The season for strawberries started in April this year; the premium was up to 235 %. Italian kiwi fruits, available in December, were on sale in 60 % of the stores with a premium between 100% and 180 %.



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