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Increasing imports of organic baby bananas from Ecuadar in EU and US

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

A small banana variety from Ecuador is developing into an export product with potential. 

The organic grown baby banana “Orito” is an entirely different variety of the commonly exported Cavendish banana. It’s not simply a small banana but the far sweeter taste is the foremost quality of the “Orito”. The demand for exotic organic fruit is steadily growing and the “Orito” is already imported in the US, Japan and four European countries with very promising growth rates in the UK for example.


For two years six grower organisations from communities as Guayas, El Oro and Cañar have exported this baby banana under the brand name Corporito. The large exporter Exportadora Bananera Noboa has also been active in the export of the “Orito”.

The cultivation of the “Orito” takes place at an elevation of 200 to 800 meters above sea
level and the exploitation cost of the “Orito” amount USD 1680 per ha.




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