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Increased certification in the natural and organic market

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

A report published by Organic Monitor predicts that the natural and organic sector will see extensive growth in certified products. The increase in the number of companies looking to Europe for certification is significant, since manufacturers need to make their products stand out in the  market. The growing number of “natural” products is leading consumers to be suspicious about the composition of these. Labelling as “Natural” or “organic” is simply not enough any longer, since consumers demand to know the extent to which the product is natural. Ecocert appears to be the most popular certifying body, because it offers both organic and natural standards. The British Soil Association offers an organic standard, and the German-based BDIH proposes a natural standard, reports Cosmetics Design.


In the US, a number of well-known companies have recently released Ecocert-certified products: Stella McCartney offers two products which are 100 % organic, the rest of the range contains between 50 and 60 % organic ingredients. Intelligent Nutrients will release a range of cosmetics including certified organic ingredients which is expected to have a major impact on the market next year.


The report also predicts that for the next five years, if not longer, certification will remain the biggest factor leading to market differentiation, as the take up of organic certification is still very small. A continuing rise in fair-trade personal care products is also expected.



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