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Increase of organic products in Denmark

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The demand for organic products has been increasing constantly in Denmark. The discount supermarket chain Netto has started to negotiate with a Swedish organic producer in order to offer a larger selection to their customers. Netto, who is the national leader in sales of organic products with a market share of 16.6 per cent, sold € 74 million worth of organic products last year, reports the Copenhagen Post.


But not only Netto has been experiencing an increase in sales. A spokeswoman of Coop supermarkets stated that her company would be able to sell more organic meat if they could get a better supply. To Coop it was also very important to have a larger selection available. Organic meat had an increase in sales of 67 per cent over the last two years.


Since it usually takes two years for a farmer to be certified as an organic producer, a shortage could result according to Mr. Hindborg, head of marketing for Organic Denmark. Farmers are urged to produce organic meat to supply the demand.



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