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2014 version of the IFOAM Norms published

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The IFOAM membership approved the 2014 version of the IFOAM Norms. This version, including the IFOAM Standard version 2.0 and the IFOAM Accreditation Requirements version 2.0, hereby supersede version 2012 of the IFOAM Norms. The COROS (Common Objectives and Requirements of Organic StandardsIFOAM Standards Requirements) remain unchanged in this version of the norms.

The decision was taken through electronic vote during the period 2 June to 15 July 2014. The IFOAM Standard and the IFOAM Accreditation Requirements were approved with respectively 94% and 91% of the votes. IFOAM thank the members of the Standard Committee and Accreditation Requirements Committee for their work, as well as those who provided input during the consultation periods and motion periods. Further information can be found here.




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