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IFOAM EU letter on organic aquaculture

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

IFOAM EU has sent a letter on organic aquaculture to DG MARE. The European regulation on organic aquaculture entered into force in 2010. Nevertheless, there are transitional rules for the use of non-organic juveniles when organic juveniles are not available and for being certified according nationally accepted rules instead of the EU Regulations. The end of these transitional rules - for non-organic juveniles in the end of 2015 and on nationally accepted rules in the end of 2014 - will be challenging for the sector.

To solve the non-availability issue for organic juveniles in the EU and global market, IFOAM EU recommends adopting solutions which are in line with the first EGTOP report on Aquaculture (part A). The IFOAM EU letter is available here. The EGTOP Report on Aquaculture part A can be found here. Further information on this subject can also be found in our article EU law endangers the organic seafood industry.





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