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IFOAM: Angela Caudle de Freitas leaves position

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Angela Caudle de Freitas (picture) has announced that she will leave the position of IFOAM Executive Director. Ms. Caudle de Freitas and her husband are expecting a baby in January 2009. 


Therefore, Ms Caudle de Freitas has decided and the World Board has agreed that she will take a year off for parental leave starting at the end of November. When returning to IFOAM, she will not be in the position of Executive Director any longer. This decision has been made since Ms Caudle de Freitas believes that it is not only in her family’s best interest, but also in the best interest of IFOAM, as now the World Board will be free to find a new Executive Director without much of a time gap. (Photo: the sympathetic Angela Caudle de Freitas at a BioFach 2008 evening event of IFOAM) 


She anticipates returning to IFOAM in another capacity that will be fulfilling and better fit her family needs, expressing her interest in working with IFOAM on fundraising and helping establish the Organic World Foundation. She will remain open and flexible, however, to the opportunities available at IFOAM when returning in 2010. Ms Caudle has expressed her pleasure to work with all members, associates and supporters during the past three years and counts on understanding for this new era in her life.



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