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Green Door Market launched in Dublin

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The new indoor food market Green Door Market was launched on 21 June 2014. It is located in Newmarket Dublin 8 and open on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. The market is governed by a four-member board of directors who are also stallholders and is aimed at bringing top quality food in an inviting space where customers can enjoy a convivial market experience and meet the people who produce their food. (Pictures: organic food stalls at the market)

Currently, fruit and vegetables, fish and shellfish, bread and baked goods, cheese and other dairy products are sold besides meat and charcuterie, as well as olives, oils, pestos, preserves, confectionary goods, raw food, juices, and smoothies. In addition, a variety of hot food and drinks is offered for customers to enjoy while they visit or for take-away. More stallholders are expected to follow soon. Further information is available here, and also on Facebook  and Twitter.



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