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Globi, the Smart Farmer

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Once again, Globi makes good use of his exceptional communication skills. This time, he learns from nature what’s good for animals, plants and the environment – and so for humans as well. Armed with this information, he transforms a run-down farm into a small rural paradise. It’s fitting that the new book is published during the UN’s International Year of Family Farming.

Biovision has been supporting family farms in East Africa for over 15 years and in this latest project, it has shared its experience of sustainable, organic farming with the publishers Globi Verlag. „Globi, the Smart Farmer, illustrates that organic agriculture has actually arrived in the midst of our society, in Switzerland and internationally. The book shows in a creative way, how multifaceted organic agriculture is and what impact it has on our society”, said Swiss Member of Parliament and organic farmer Maya Graf during the book launch on a fruit and vegetable market in Zurich.

In his latest book, Globi takes on the running of a farm on behalf of an elderly farmer and converts it to organic. When the swallows in the barn announce that there are organic farmers in Africa as well, he immediately hands over care of the farm to the faithful Globine and travels to Kenya. Here he meets Barke, an innovative organic farmer. She shows him that African farmers are also using organic farming methods to defy the rigours of nature. When he returns home, Globi – as a “smart farmer” – introduces such organic methods on the farm. When the farmer returns, he is delighted with his organic farm and the happy animals. When his daughter agrees to take on the farm, the happy ending becomes even happier.
The book is inspired by Mkulima Mbunifu. Mkulima Mbunifu is Swahili and roughly translates as the “smart farmer” It is the name of Biovision’s organic farming magazine in Tanzania. This unique magazine publishes practical information for farmers in East Africa on how to increase crop yields with sustainable methods whilst still protecting the environment. The book can be purchased here. More information is available from Biovision.





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