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Making the case for organic at Global Landscapes Forum

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The first Global Landscapes Forum was held on the sidelines of COP 19 in Warsaw. It succeeded in introducing the landscapes approach to climate and development policy makers, IFOAM reports. Now the second Global Landscape Forum is convening in Peru during COP 20 where, together with HIVOS, IFOAM is hosting the session 'Making the case for organic farming and for a low external input sustainable agriculture as climate-smart landscape solutions.' 

The session takes place on 6 December 2014, and IFOAM World Board Member Roberto Ugas will be representing IFOAM. Key questions addressed are: How can innovative landscape approaches based on high-sequestration organic agriculture contribute to build resilience in regions in the biggest need for that? How can we make the best use of carbon finance in an inclusive way to deliver against multiple challenges of food and nutrient security, climate mitigation and resilience? How can countries be held accountable against Sustainable Development Goals to address the above challenges? More information is available here. An interview with Gábor Figeczky, IFOAM Advocacy Manager, about the benefits of organic agriculture in the face of climate change can be found here


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