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Study on GM fish

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Researchers have produced fish species that are able to grow more quickly and are more resistant to diseases. The robust nature of these GM species, however, means that they can have a higher tolerance to toxins. According to Fredrik Sundstrom of the Department of Zoology of the University of Gotheburg, the ability of GM fish to be more resistant to environmental toxins could lead to a greater accumulation of toxins, Food Production Daily reports. These would end up in consumers, and there were signs that the higher level of growth hormones in the fish could affect people.

GM species should be treated with great care and reared in closed systems on land until further notice. There could be an ecological threat posed by GM salmon and rainbow trout to the natural environment if they escaped from breeding farms. Researchers found that GM fish had a considerably greater effect on the natural environment than hatchery-reared non-GM species when they escaped. According to the study, it was not possible to predict if the escaped GM fish would outperform natural species if they became established in natural stocks. Therefore, it was concluded, that broad international consent was needed before commercial farming was given the green light and that a precautionary approach should be applied.

Food Production Daily


Genetic Engineering

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