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GMO: Reactions on EU decision

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

In the European Union, member countries will be able to make their own decision to allow GM crops after a decision made earlier this month, France 24 reports. The campaign group GM Freeze has expressed disappointment as the European Union Environment Council voted "Yes" on a controversial proposal that could see GM crops planted in UK fields as early as next year. The UK Government strongly favours GM technology, but the devolved administrations in Scotland and Wales are opposed, according to GM Freeze. With two varieties of Roundup Ready maize (modified to withstand blanket spraying with Monsanto's powerful weedkiller) poised for authorisation, the risk of contamination between GM and non-GM crops is a huge issue. GM Freeze had published a briefing earlier, highlighting the risks associated with cross-border contamination (Contamination Matters – Why GM can’t be managed at a national level). More information is available from GM Freeze.

Commenting on the decision by the EU to allow Member States to go GM free, Peter Melchett, Soil Association policy director stated that most English farmers now faced a looming threat to their business. “This decision now has to be agreed by the European Parliament, and there are currently no GM crops authorised for use in the EU that can be grown in England. However, in future a committed pro-GM Secretary of State could take the decision to make England a ‘GM country’, and once that decision is taken, and GM crops are established, it will be extremely difficult for any future Government to adopt a different position. Indeed, the current proposal suggests that it may be legally very difficult for future governments to disallow a GM crop once it has been agreed for that country.” The full statement of Peter Melchett is available here.




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