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GE-food crops to be planted in Australia

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The announcement by Victorian and NSW governments that they will allow the planting of Genetically Engineered food crops next year is a major affront to the organic food industry, and in turn consumers in Australia, according to Scott Kinnear, BFA GMO spokesperson. He stated that organic and non-GE food processors would be burdened with additional requirements for tests to manage and eliminate contamination risk. The BFA had put in a submission to both governments outlining substantial issues in all three areas and it was of significant concern to the BFA that the submission appeared to have been completely overlooked. (Picture: BFA)
The chairman of the BFA's Organic Standards Committee, which presides over the Australian Organic Standard (AOS) noted that this step would mean the inevitable unleashing of pollens in the open environment and the food and seed chain would restrict choice and freedom, particularly for organic farmers and a wider range of consumers, under current regulatory and market arrangements. This proposal by Victoria and NSW to potentially allow the release of food crop GMOs into the environment next year would impact on this sector by the admitted inevitable contamination of such crops and their seed lines. It would also risk future export markets and further burden the sector with compliance and regulatory costs.
Both the National Standard, regulated for export by AQIS, as well as the Australian Organic Standard, which regulates both for domestic and international markets, prohibit any presence of GMOs in organic food products. Their presence would lead to the decertification of such products and their removal from the marketplace, placing further cost, and loss of choice, on consumers and producers alike.


Genetic Engineering

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