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Free trade for high-risk biotech?

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

A report was published, written by Dr. Christoph Then, Testbiotech: “Free trade for high-risk biotech? Future of genetically engineered organisms, new synthetic genome technology and the planned free trade agreement TTIP – a critical assessment.” 

The report focuses on the kinds of genetically engineered organisms for which market authorisation has been applied in the EU and those that are in the pipeline and might soon be on the market. Special attention has been given to new genome technologies. Furthermore, the report includes a discussion of the potential influence of the planned free trade agreement (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, TTIP) on the authorisation of new genetically engineered organisms for use in agriculture and food production.

The report recommends: strengthening the precautionary principle; extending ethical debates on the protection of genetic identity and integrity of living beings; a change in agricultural policy to include more comprehensive protection of the environment and enhancement of biodiversity. The implementation of these recommendations should have priority above further releases and market authorisations of GMOs. The full report is available here.




Genetic Engineering


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