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UK: Food for Life Partnership wins BBC award

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The Food for Life Partnership was awarded the prestigious BBC Radio 4 Derek Cooper Award. The award recognises "unsung heroes, whose work has increased our access to, and knowledge and appreciation of, good food". Award ceremony host Sheila Dillon, presenter of The Food Programme, has described the Food for Life Partnership as "the most important food project in Europe”. (Picture: Begbrook Primary School in Bristol)

Emma Noble, co-director of the Food for Life Partnership, collected the award saying: “I am delighted to accept this award on behalf of the Food for Life Partnership and the 4,200 schools and communities across England working hard to transform their food culture. This is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the impact the Food for Life Partnership is having. We know that children are eating more fruit and vegetables as a result and that the programme helps ‘close the gap’ in health and academic attainment between disadvantaged children and their peers. Schools show a significant increase in free school meal uptake which is crucial in encouraging healthy eating habits, and twice as many primary schools received an Outstanding Ofsted rating after working with the Food for Life Partnership.”

Food for Life Partnership


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