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First Soil Association-certified clothing range to be launched

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

UK clothing firm Saf and its printing partner will launch the UK’s first wholesale range of organic cotton clothing certified by the Soil Association. This event will take place at the Association’s annual conference. Saf’s printing partner "T Shirt and Sons" is the only Soil Association-certified screen printer in the UK so far. The companies had supplied printed organic cotton T shirts to various organisations like for example Greenpeace and the Vegan Society before, but being accredited by the Soil Association would give consumers even a deeper level of assurance, reports Ecotextile.

(photo: ecotextiles at BioFach fair)


Ms. Byrne of Saf stated she was very content to meet the strict organic and social standards set by the Soil Association’s organic cotton standards. Consumers now could be confident in the knowledge that the shirts they acquired reduced the impact on the environment and contributed to the social and economic developments of farmers in poor areas in the world.


Ms. Byrne also expressed that Saf wanted to make organic cotton clothing a mainstream choice for organisations when planning their clothing purchases, since they would source from a traceable supply chain.




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