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First NaturaSì Market in the South of Italy opened in Palermo / Sicily

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

As NaturaSì reports, the opening of the first selling point of NaturaSì in Southern Italy was in Palermo on March 31 and April 1. This was possible thanks to contributions of “Sviluppo Italia” (the National Agency for the Development of Business). A broad range of delicious organic products is offered. Over 4000 products are offered in the store on a total selling area of about 250 square meters. NaturaSì is leader in the distribution of organic products in Italy with 44 selling points in a franchise system. But until now all organic supermarkets were located in Northern or in the centre of Italy.


The company was founded in Verona / Italy in 1993. In 2000, its expansion to Spain was initiated and there are 4 stores in Spain’s capital Madrid now. The products to be sold are suited to arouse the interest of customers concerned about their wellbeing and protection of the environment and, of course, who wish to buy organic products.  


NaturaSì is the only Italian distribution chain today with an offer of fresh organic products like sausages, cheese, fruit and vegetables, certified by an institution authorised by the Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry (ICEA). The assortment is enriched with fresh beef, pork and poultry. A large range of ecological products for household cleaning and health is available as well as natural cosmetics and drugstore items. Particular attention is given to the needs of mothers and children. On a large area, products for people with allergies, food intolerances and celiac disease are presented.

NaturaSì guarantees price advantages, offers promotions to their customers and gives discounts to the owners of a free customer card. The monthly specials can be received by email.


For further information: Ufficio Comunicazione di NaturaSì,
phone: 0039 045/8918613 Fax. 0039 045/8918668
Rita Tornieri e Francesca Revelant


Specialised Food Retail Trade

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